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Hey! So Glad You're Here.

Barring a stint where I delusionally believed that I could play for the Chicago Bulls, I have always wanted to be a writer. Considering that I am a 5'6'' female - with no androgynous aspirations - and the fact that the bulk of my knowledge OF the game of basketball stemmed from the movie Space Jam and a one-time attendance of a globe trotters show (Sidenote: do they still perform?) ... I think it's fair to say that one is not going to happen. 


The writing career, though, has become slightly more achievable - especially since, I can self-publish all of my nonsense - directly to the crowd of 3 that might have an interest in hearing it. (Hi Mom! I <3 you!) 


And to those of you who stumbled upon this page, thank you for being here. I'd like to welcome you to my ramblings - the reading of which I'm sure will inspire you to ask, 

"What was that about?" 

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